Friday, September 18, 2009

Shakespeare Language

While walking through the field i met a FEEDER. When i walked up to him he was watching over an EANLING, but when i came up to him the eanling started to EVITATE me by going behind the feeder. I keep trying to make contact with the eanling but ever time he seemed to ABHOR me.

Insult-I shall live to knock thy brains out.

I think what he is saying is that he is going to beat somebody up pretty bad.

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11

On september 11th of 8 years ago i remember during the attack i was sitting at school. I don't remember exactly what class i was in but i know i was in a 2nd grade classroom . I remember in the weeks following september 11th the only thing on TV was the attack site on the news and stuff. I remember they kept showing the clips of the planes crashing into the towers. I think that 20 years from know we will still remember september 11th because it impacted the United States a lot. I think the terrorist decided to attack the U.S instead of any other country is because we weren't expecting it. I don't know of anyone personally who was directly affecting by the attacks. If i were to write a story about september 11th i would use a point of view from someone who was inside the building describing what was happening around them.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Voabulary Word.

That has to be the largest edifice i have ever seen. The windows go on forever.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Friendhip Blog

I think that personal morals/values/and beliefs are more important because they tie into my friendships.