Monday, January 4, 2010

Story Spinners: Option 3

As I regained consciousness, I remember asking myself "what was the last thing i saw?" I remembered it being a bright pair of headlights. Then it all started coming back to me. I couldn't believe i was stubborn enough to walk out in the middle of the night on a busy street. I had remembered entering the street when i came out of the vestibule, then there were headlights, then i woke up in an alley.

So the next day i went to the police station to try and figure out more about how i ended up in this dark alley. Nobody had reported hitting anyone with there vehicle or seeing anyone get hit with one as well. It ended up that i left with no answers. The police said they would go to the site and check things out to see if they could come up with more info. But they could find nothing with which to blame someone with.

A few weeks after the incident still nobody had any idea who had put me in the alley or why they put me there. I laid awake at night trying to fit pieces together. I thought long and hard but just couldn't seem to come up with anything. Weeks of thinking turned into months of thinking. To this day i still have no clue who hit me and why i ended up in that dark alley.

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